Help Leicester FireFighters Battle MS
By clicking on the Donate Button below you can make a financial contribution that will assist in the battle to cure Multiple Sclerosis. All donations help sponsor members of the LFFA that participate in the Annual MS Challenge Walk.
Leicester FireFighter's Relief Fund
Firefighters in the Town of Leicester are use to leaving during a holiday meal, running out in the middle of their son or daughter's school play, or jumping out of bed in the middle of the night to respond to emergencies that occur in their community. It happens frequently and it is what we are trained to do. Unfortunately, from time to time our firefighters are victims of tragedies and difficult times as well. It is fundraisers and help from the community, which has allowed us to build a Relief Fund where we can assist the men and women who watch over the rest of us. It provides us with a resources so we can be of assistance and lessen the burden in cases of illness, accidents, deaths and financial hardships, amongst firefighters.
By clicking on the Donate button below you can make a contribution to the Leicester FireFighter's Relief Fund.
Secret Santa
Each Year Leicester FireFighters and Leicester Teachers work together to help supply local families in need with gifts for the holiday. With the current status of the economy this is becoming more important than ever. By clicking on the donate button below you too can become one of Santa’s helpers.